[theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] [theme music] The end of this age is at hand. Everything around us, everything that we know is about to change. And this change is going to be radical, like nothing that we've ever experienced before. But as in all times of great change, this shift offers us an opportunity to look deep within ourselves and think about who we are, the way we relate to the Earth, and to the people around us. We no longer live in the modern world. We live in the post-modern world. The structures of the modern world, which are founded on greed, on ever-increasing economies, on ever-increasing growth, on readily renewable resources, that world has ended. It does not exist anymore. We're living in a world of sustainability, of deep ecology, of great reverence for the Earth. If you haven't caught on yet that this is the world we're living in, you will probably be mulched. It wasn't very long ago when I first began wondering why so many things around me seemed to be falling into chaos. This chaos haunted my dreams as I wondered what was going on in this world around me. Everywhere I looked, I saw wars, pain, and injustice. Because of the constant stream of bad news, the newspapers and television were now becoming an unbearable burden in my life. So I stopped watching the news. I turned off the world and retreated back into the beauty of nature and the peace of the forest. As the human race veered towards some uncertain future, I became more obsessed with the natural world. Out here, everything is in balance. It was on one of these long retreats into the mountains around my home that I first began to wonder why everyone around me was talking about the year 2012. It was almost like they were all expecting something to happen between now and then, like a sudden change in the way that we treat the world and each other. I had heard that the Mayan calendar was coming to some kind of grand finale on the winter solstice of that year, 2012. That fact made me wonder if there might not be something more to this talk about 2012 than I first suspected. So I decided to take a long drive and ask my friends and many others about what they thought might happen to our world in 2012. I left the mountains and forests of the beautiful Pacific Northwest and headed south to Oregon and California. Eventually, my trip took me across the entire United States. Reality is accelerating toward an unimaginable omega point. The universe ends in a singularity. It has been growing more singular, more complex, more unique, more novel every passing moment since it burst into existence. And if that's true, then we represent a kind of concrescence of universal intent. We're not mere spectators or a cosmic accident or some sideshow or the Greek chorus to the main event. The human experience is the main event. Because we're driving the historical vehicle with a rear-view mirror, it appears to us that we're headed straight into a brick wall at a thousand miles an hour. It appears that we are polluting the atmosphere, wrecking the oceans, dehumanizing ourselves, robbing our children of a future. I believe what is in fact going on is that we are burning our bridges. One by one, we're burning our bridges to the past. What is really important is empowering personal experience, backing off from consumer object fetishism, freeing the mind, empowering the imagination. Then in that case, I think you can feel pretty good about what is going on. Well, the 2012 end date of the Maya Long Count calendar is a subject that's been looked at for many years. And for me, back in the late '80s, early '90s, I realized there was a great unsolved mystery. Why did the Maya place the end of their calendar in 2012? One thing that was very clear is that it is an accurate winter solstice. So to me, that meant that, well, probably there's a focus here on astronomy. And we know that the ancient Maya were astute stargazers and brilliant mathematicians and were advanced in ways that we're just beginning to appreciate. The Mayan calendar is a system of timekeeping and cycles. And it has been proven time and time again to be perhaps one of the most accurate systems ever noted by humankind. It has tracked without fail every solar eclipse, every lunar eclipse, and even takes into account changes in the rotation and the speed of the rotation of the Earth to accommodate these. So without question, we know that it is an accurate system of timekeeping. The one thing it does not take into account, however, is the human response during the cycles of time that it is tracking. This 13-Bak'tun cycle of time is a great world age period in Mayan mythology. And in the Maya creation mythology, we see reference to five of these great world ages. And this 13-Bak'tun period is clearly the one that we're about to end right now. It's very clear that the end of this great cycle would be the moment of greatest importance. What we do know is that the Maya were amazing mathematicians. They were careful, patient observers and recorders of natural cycles. And they made these advanced tools, these calendars, for marking events in linear time and for use in prophecy. Now that makes me take notice. That gets my attention. It makes me want to know what did they know. Had they seen the future? Had they created these timetables for the playing out of some master cosmic plan? And if so, how had they gleaned their knowledge? Was it solely the result of keen observation, or were they tuning into something more? What we know is that there are cycles, geologic cycles, measurable cycles, that we can see in the geologic record that have happened time and time and time again. And the Mayan calendar appears to accommodate and allow for these cycles as well, such as magnetic reversals of the Earth. And a growing body of research and scientific consensus suggests that we are, in fact, in one of those cycles right now, the cycle of a 180-degree magnetic reversal, or a flip, in the sense of the magnetic fields of the Earth. So the calendar marking 2012, it's showing us a window of time with regard to the cycles themselves, how we respond to the changes that we feel in our bodies and the changes that were shown in the world around us remains up to us as individuals and collectively. Well, in my research into the 2012 end date, it became very clear to me that the Maya had intended that date to target an astronomical alignment, a very rare alignment of our sun on the solstice with the center of the galaxy. And this is a kind of alignment that happens only once every 26,000 years. The Maya had several different calendars. The most important ones are the Zulkin, which is a 260-day sacred almanac. And then there's the 365-day Harb, which had no leap days included in it. And there is the Long Count calendar, which is based on a 360-day year called a Tun. So it's the Long Count, which is the one that connects to 2012. But something that José Arguelles discovered and brought out in the Mayan factor is very--what I consider to be his most important insight, is that the Maya today say that the meaning of the Zulkin is that it governs the length of human gestation. So because that's 260 days, or what they call kin, the Long Count can be mapped out on the same structure because it consists of 260 katuns, periods of about just under 20 years. So that you could say that because recorded history coincides with the start of this Long Count 13-Bactrian cycle, 3114 BC, that the Long Count is mapping out not individual gestation but planetary gestation. At first I found the Mayan calendar to be a bit overwhelming. As I listened to the experts on the subject, I began to understand that these people, the Mayans, who lived on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico for thousands of years, were a remarkable race. The Mayans left behind huge pyramids and other stone monuments that rival those in Egypt and other places. But the most interesting thing about the Mayan people is that they were obsessed with time. They created calendars to mark off long periods of time, some running for thousands of years. I wondered who they were and what they were really like. The time system of the Mayan calendar is based on a uniquely different concept of time. You have to understand that first of all. And that for the Mayans, time is a factor of synchronization. It is the universal factor of synchronization, which is very different from how we think of time. This is why for the Mayans, in their heyday, they used up to maybe 19 or 20 different calendars simultaneously. Because the point of different standards of measure, measuring different heavenly bodies, cycles, etc., is to create higher and higher factors of synchronization. In other words, they knew that the real nature of time is synchronicity and the real nature of the highest reality is synchronicity. And so the nature of the Mayan calendar is to actually place you in synchronicity. The difference between the Mayan culture and from the dominant civilization today, which is the global civilization, is that we are fragmented. We are very happy and surprised if a synchronicity happens to us every so often. Whereas for the Mayans living on the Mayan calendar, synchronicity is the norm. The Popol Vuh, as it comes down to us today, was recorded in the 1550s. And it tells the story of the two hero twins and how they must do away with seven macaw. Seven macaw is the ruler of the previous world age. And he is the archetype of rampant, out-of-control egoism. He is the vain and false ruler of the previous world age. The message that is really encoded into the Maya creation mythology has to do with the relationship between our limited egos and our unlimited, infinite, eternal divine selves, which in the Maya creation mythology is represented by Wanhunapu, the father of the hero twins. So this entire mythic structure is actually encoding astronomical processes. And in fact, the resurrection of Wanhunapu at the end of the age in 2012 is a metaphor for us in our limited ego states coming back into connection with our divine, eternal selves. And the mythology is a template for the astronomy. It's very interesting because Wanhunapu represents the sun, so the astronomical alignment that culminates in 2012 is the alignment of the sun with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It's coming into right relationship once again with the higher source and center. Well, it's kind of incredible that one of the depictions of the Maya solar deity, Wanhunapu, one of the depictions of him in the mouth of the jaguar toad, which astronomically means the winter solstice sun crossing the galactic equator, which is the 2012 event, the galactic alignment itself, shows Wanhunapu in a crucified position. And there's a sort of a little cross symbol as well to symbolize the crossing of the ecliptic with the galactic plane. And, well, of course, Jesus' holy day was Sunday, so he's like our solar deity who is expected to return to it very soon with the same symbol as the Maya. Our view of the Native Americans as the noble savage is truly unfortunate. The Mayans and the Incans and many other peoples in the Americas were very advanced in the arts and sciences. Like everyone, they weren't perfect. But what is certain is that the Mayans were a talented and conscious people. Their long count calendar was probably their most important contribution to the world. I thought about this calendar and its rapidly approaching end date. Could this prophecy really be true? And if so, what will be its outcome? A growing body of research now, in addition to showing that the cycles are occurring, strongly suggests that how we experience those cycles will be determined by how we respond to the changes. And from my perspective, this is what the great masters and the spiritual teachers for over 5,000 years have been preparing us for. And what they're saying to us is if you live your life in this way, and if you change your life, you'll change your body. And as you change your body, you'll change your world. Quantum physics now strongly supports precisely such a premise that the world around us, in terms of the things that we see and experience, is nothing more, nothing less than a mirror of what we have become collectively from within. So our fear, our anger, our hate, our rage, our joy, our love, our compassion, our understanding, our forgiveness, all appear to be mirrored and accommodated within these great cycles of time. The galactic alignment is a phrase that refers to an actual astronomical process and alignment that's culminating in the years around 2012. Astronomers know about this, it's been calculated. It is based upon the slow wobbling of the Earth on its axis. This is called the precession of the equinoxes. And one full wobble takes 26,000 years to complete. Now, it effectively changes our angular orientation to the larger sky, the larger galactic framework. And one of the effects of precession is that it causes the position of the sun in the sky to shift slowly. There are many different kinds of beams that are moving throughout the universe, some of them caused by supernovae, some by quasars, some actually which are coming from the center of the galaxy, what the Mayans called the Hunab Ku. And this, what we're talking about, the galactic synchronization beam, is a beam that's coming from the center of the galaxy. It's being, what we might call, intelligently moderated. So, this beam is what corresponds to what we refer to as the Mayan great cycle from 3113 BC. That's when the Earth entered this beam and then it leaves it in 2012, this famous 2012 moment. So what they noticed, and this is what's unique about Mayan cosmology, they noticed that the December solstice sun was slowly shifting towards the bright band of the Milky Way. That we can see, if we go out camping in August, we can see the bright band of the Milky Way stretching overhead. And there's a very bright and wide part of the Milky Way, it's called the nuclear bulge. It lies between the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio. And it's visible to the naked eye, and the Maya thought of this as a very interesting part of the Milky Way. And the purpose of this beam is actually to accelerate processes, what we might call karmic processes, that need to come to fruition. And so, the maximum point of this beam occurs during the 13th phase, the 13th Bak'tun, which began about 400, a little less than 400 years ago. And it's during this phase, which we refer to as the climax of matter, where the processes of the karmic activations and the creation of a particularly intense state of mind, the historical materialism, congeal and the human species bursts out around the planet, which it's meant to do, kind of like being in a cocoon process. And then human beings are being synchronized and shaken up and shaken up and synchronized by their own process, until they reach this maximum point where it goes into a new phase. And this new phase then is when it begins in 2012. On one level, they thought of the Milky Way as the great goddess, the great mother. And this bulging area was then thought of as the womb of the great mother. Now, as I mentioned earlier, they noticed that the December solstice sun was slowly shifting towards this rebirth place in the sky. And the early Maya sky watchers, some 2200 years ago, they calculated precession and they projected forward to when this alignment would be culminating. The alignment of father-son and mother galaxy, that is the galactic alignment. And according to the Mayan calculation, it happens on December 21st, 2012. And modern astronomers would concur that we are in the zone of galactic alignment right now. And the Mayan calculation is right on target. Whether or not time ends in 2012, we should be assuming that it will so that we take care of business. Secondly, and maybe more important, is don't cancel your appointments for 2013. Because whether or not time ends as we know it, the planets will still be going around and around and around. My mind was racing. Visions of galactic beams and planetary gestation were overwhelming me. Was it true? Had the Mayans created some kind of way to be able to tell us, the people of the future, where we were headed and what lay in store for us? Was time something tangible that could be mapped in some way? Everywhere I go, I talk to people who sense that something is going on. But we aren't quite sure what it is. The future world is still blurry and out of focus for most of us. But we all feel it. Something unusual is happening in our world. Something odd is happening to us. And like a shadow on the wall, we are not sure if it's real or an illusion. We just know that it's there. Like in a dream, where everything is shifting from one reality to another. That's what the world feels like now. And as one reality fades away, another crystallizes. Jewel is one of my best friends. She had just had a baby named Armand. Armand will be seven years old in 2012. I asked her about her hopes and dreams for her beautiful boy. I'm so happy to share him with you. It's been such a delightful new part of my life. I really do love getting to be a mother and getting to work with children also. I've been doing a lot of working with children. I feel as I look towards 2012 that really that's the choice that we can make as adults. It's finding our way towards that which is hopeful. Towards believing in a bright tomorrow. Rather than running old programs based on us being bad and we're ultimately destined for self-destruction that we're going to bring on ourselves. And feeling like we are destined for self-destruction because we're inherently bad. I feel beautiful, evolved, special souls are coming to this earth to teach us otherwise. To remind us otherwise. That we really have a choice. Indigo children are system busters by nature and challenge authority. Rather than accept authority blindly, they make us ask the questions. Why are we doing this? And when they're misdiagnosed as ADHD, it's doing ourselves a disservice because these children have a message to bring. Like remembering the importance of our feelings and of our hearts. I just can't believe that we have a punishing God, the Father, that's ready to sabotage and hurt his children. What we are doing is up to us and if we express joy and gratitude for the life that we're given, then the way is shown. We need to really be the examples for them. You know? Our mom, in 2012, where will you be? Where will you be? You'll be seven years old. You know, I've heard it said that in the future we won't be able to lie to one another because everybody will be telepathic. And I have to believe that kids are already teachers of that with us because they can read you so well. As I continued my search for the answers, I discovered that the Mayans weren't the only ones who understood that this world has many layers of reality. They weren't the only ancestors who understood that the past, the future and the present might all be just one event that is happening simultaneously. Could one's experience of time be, in the end, just a matter of perspective? Across the planet, there are people with myths, legends and monuments that may be giving us the same message as the Mayans. I think what we're seeing is that this calendar is simply showing us a window of opportunity. It's saying now is a time when all of the parameters that have held human consciousness in place for 25,000 years, all of those parameters are falling away. They've been like training wheels, if you will, holding elements of consciousness in place. So the training wheels fall away and on that date in December of 2012, we perhaps for the first time in a long time, will be more of ourselves than we've ever been before. Without the magnetics of the earth holding our perceptions and our beliefs and our bias in place. And it will be the opportunity for us to demonstrate what we've practiced for so long and become truly who we are. It's not just the Mayan calendar. There's other monuments and other religions and other myths across the world that are also pointing towards this time period as being one of the most important time periods in the history of the world. And I guess that's what I've been looking into. I just find it astonishing that the Mayan calendar and these other myths and symbols and monuments parallel each other in what they're saying so much. And that's really the fascination that I have in this work. So the systems that govern the microcosm and the macrocosm are the same systems. So if we understand the cosmos, we understand ultimately more about ourselves and the reverse is true. So one thing that has impressed me with this new outpouring of knowledge, which of course the net has made possible, I always thought that the global brain would be each person being telepathic, but although the spiritual usually precedes the physical, we're seeing that the net has facilitated global linkage in a way that nothing else could. You can split the whole thing into two camps really, the catastrophe camp and the ecstasy camp. A little bit like the Christian concept of heaven or hell associated with the end time. A lot of catastrophe theories are not very well researched and they've got second hand information they haven't checked up on. One of the exceptions to that is the Henday Cross information. I first became interested in this work because of a book called Mystery of the Cathedrals, written by an anonymous man who called himself Fulcinelli. The book was written in 1926 and published in Paris. What made Fulcinelli's book Mystery of the Cathedrals so shocking when it came out was that Fulcinelli was saying that the Gothic cathedrals were built by alchemists. That they were a finest example of some kind of metaphysical science. Now the Gothic cathedrals are some of the most amazing buildings on earth. There were almost 500 of them built in the time period from about 1150 to about 1350. It looks like the Templars may have been the people who built the Gothic cathedrals based on their knowledge that they had gathered from their foray into Jerusalem. Where they learned alchemy from the Kabbalists and from the Islamic scholars that lived there at the time. What really attracted me though to Mystery of the Cathedrals by Fulcinelli was the fact that when the book was reprinted in the late 50s, a strange additional chapter had been added to the book and that got my attention. This chapter was called the Cyclic Cross of Hende and was about a strange monument that sits in a churchyard in Hende, France. A small town on the Spanish border in France. And Fulcinelli tells us that this cross of Hende was built by a master mason. A 33rd degree mason. And that this master mason had profound knowledge of the universe and had placed it into the symbols and the construct of the cross of Hende. That really got my attention, especially because Fulcinelli was saying that the cross of Hende was pointing towards the end of time, towards Judgment Day. Actually, I'll say without exception, I have run across no tradition that does not account for some end time prophecy. Including western pre-Christian and Christian traditions. So I will say I've not studied every tradition on the face of the earth. Every tradition that I have studied allows for the uniqueness of this time in history and says that we're in for a big change. Rather than being something unexpected that comes down on us in a horrific or scary way, we're now learning that it's not what we thought it was. Armageddon is not what it used to be. It's now becoming very simplified. It's primarily astronomical and secondarily psychological and to do with our own archetypal human beingness. When I first began research into the cross of Hende, I didn't realize about the Mayan calendar what it was saying. I knew that the cross of Hende was pointing towards the end of time because Fulcinelli was saying that in his chapter. And as I examined the cross of Hende, I realized that the sun panel on the pedestal did look a lot like an Aztec or a Mayan sun symbol. Later, I found out that according to Fulcinelli, the cross of Hende was built somewhere between 350 and 400 years ago, which coincides exactly with the beginning of the last Bak'tun of the Mayan calendar. So we can see there's a strange relationship between the cross of Hende and the Mayan calendar. And this may be that the person who built the cross of Hende had gone to the New World and studied with the Mayan shamans and the Incan shamans and came back with their knowledge, compared it to what he already knew and built the cross of Hende. Earth is going through a magnetic reversal. It's happened 14 times in the last four and a half million years. It's never happened with six billion people on the earth to the best of our knowledge. Prior to the time that the magnetic fields dropped completely to zero, they began to slow. And we are now at the slowest or the lowest magnetic point that we've seen in the last 2,000 years. What that means is the magnetic field, the shield or the buffer of the magnetic field that has always surrounded the earth is its weakest point that it's been in the last 2,000 years. It makes us very susceptible to solar influences. We're having unprecedented solar flares, highly ionized plasma and particles superheating our atmosphere. And because our shields aren't there, it allows for a melting of the poles, for example. And we know that that is what is happening. And as the north and south poles, as that ice turns into water, it dilutes the oceans, changes the salinity, changes the temperatures that drive all of the weather patterns. The cross of Henday has a pedestal on the bottom with four engravings on each side of the pedestal. It has a Greek pillar on top of the pedestal and there's a cross on top of the Greek pillar. The four panels on the pedestal have a star on the east side, a fairy tale moon on the north side, a sun face, an angry sun face on the west side, and this strange, odd oval with four odd A's in each of the quadrants. Notice that the A looks a lot like the Freemasonic symbol of the compass in the square. Maybe this is why Fulcinelli tells us that the cross of Henday was built by a master mason. We know that the sun has already lost, essentially, its north and south poles. They don't exist on the sun any longer. The sun has many smaller north and south magnetic fields, little vortices. There is no north and south pole on the sun any longer. Other planets in our solar system appear to be going through a similar experience where the magnetic fields are declining very quickly because we believe they're not inhabited the way ours are. It doesn't appear to have the same influence. So as those magnetic fields fall, it allows for greater solar influences on the planet. Those are the physical changes that we're seeing. The magnetic fields also act as the glue in consciousness, and as the glue becomes weaker and weaker, we have a greater opportunity to transcend the beliefs that have been held in place so strongly for many thousand, now 5,000 years or so. One thing that I noticed right away when I looked at the cross of Henday was that the three panels, the star, the moon, and the sun, exactly match three cards in the tarot deck, three cards that are in a row in the tarot deck. For instance, card number 17 in the tarot deck is the star. It looks exactly like the star on the cross of Henday. Number 18 in the tarot deck is the moon, and again, we can see it's a fairy tale-type moon. It follows in succession, 17, 18, and we come to 19 of the tarot deck, we find that the card is the sun, and again we see that the motif of the sun face on the cross of Henday pretty much matches the sun card in the tarot deck. What is interesting about this is that the next card in succession is the day of judgment, number 20, and that is what the cross of Henday is describing as the day of judgment, the end of time. So the two, the physical parameters and consciousness dovetail, and the physical parameters appear to give us a window of opportunity for the consciousness parameters to shift, and if we can become aware of that, then we can make use of this opportunity and say, "Hey, this is the first time in a long time we've been able to do something like this. What will we do?" Fulcanelli spends most of his chapter in the book talking about the odd oval with the four strange As. As I looked at this odd oval, I began slowly realizing that it was really talking about the precession of the equinoxes. The precession of the equinoxes is the length of time that it takes the Earth to go through one of its wobbles. The Earth takes 26,000 years to go around once in its wobble. What Fulcanelli was telling us was that the ancient alchemists, or the person who had built the cross of Henday, divided up this 26,000-year cycle, or this great year according to the astrologers, into four different ages. These four ages had names. They were called the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, and the age we're currently residing in, the Iron Age, or as the Hindus would call it, the Kali Yuga. We're in phase with this last cycle that we're talking about, this galactic synchronization being, which is coming to a conclusion, is definitely in phase or in sync with the Kali Yuga cycle, or with a Kali Yuga cycle as the Hindus understand it. Of course, the Kali Yuga is the fourth and the final of the Yugas, and that would also correspond to the point at which the karma has become the heaviest, where the amnesia has become the greatest, where the remembrance has become the least, and where the materialism has become the densest. What we call recorded history is really the history of the Iron Age, when it began. And this is also the last cycle of the Mayan calendar, also describing the process of history, how we have fallen into history. History is, in a sense, the initiation of our species. We have fallen into the greatest degree of materialization, the greatest densification of time. Our science and our scholars no longer care about the spiritual. They only care about the temporal. They only care about the material. And this is surely a sign that we're in the Iron Age. Because of the way the magnetic fields are holding this consciousness together, things that are not in integrity seem to implode upon themselves, and they collapse under their own weight. So we can apply those understandings in our personal lives and our global lives. While it doesn't give an excuse for what's happened, it might help to explain, and maybe provide a framework for people to understand, what it is that's going on. What the pedestal represents is the Earth's point of view. Standing on the Earth, the stars look like the star looks like, the moon looks like the moon looks like, and the sun looks like the sun looks like. And you can watch the progress of time, or the Great Year, by observing the precession of the equinoxes. Represented by the oval with the four A's is our giant 26,000 year long clock that we're watching, to be able to tell where we are in time. Each of the four A's marks a different quality of time. The alchemists believed that you could turn lead into gold. One of the most important things that they were addressing with this myth, was the idea that you could turn the Iron Age into the Golden Age. One of the things that alchemy is doing is getting the human race ready to perform the great alchemical experiment at the end of time, that transmutes the Iron Age into the Golden Age. It takes our current age of increased densification and materialization, and releases it into the Golden Age. Lead into gold. Now that would be magical. If I could believe what I was hearing, there were people in the past who knew that something fantastic was going to occur sometime in the future. They created many ways to pass down the knowledge of what they knew. The question is, are we still listening? What if the world is really just a gigantic alchemical experiment, and God is the alchemist? Maybe all he has to do is shake up the bottle of our reality, and everything will shift in a flash. I left California and began to head across the United States. A few hours east of Los Angeles, I entered Las Vegas, just as the night was beginning. In a way, this growing metropolis, with its neon lights and fast money, was like a city at the edge of time. [Music] [Music] [Music] I reflected on the way that we humans seem to be able to create our own reality, and I wondered why we had done such a bad job. Maybe it's time for us to take reality and turn it into something better. Maybe that's what 2012 is really about. What if just the idea that some big change is coming in our immediate future would actually cause that big change to occur? The reason that there would be a big change is because we believe that there would be a big change. Is the power of our beliefs so strong that they alone can shift reality? Maybe that is the secret of alchemy. Maybe lead could be turned into gold simply because the alchemists believed that they could turn lead into gold. Are our thoughts that powerful? Is reality that simple? Can we change the world just by wanting it to change? It was so simple that I had to laugh. For the last 25 years, I have been studying with the elders of the Inka. And the Inka are one of the last indigenous peoples in the Americas to maintain an intact tradition of prophecy, as well as the processes that will allow us to quantum leap into who we are becoming. The Inka, the Hopi, the Mayan are all descendants of the same peoples that crossed the Bering Straits 30,000 years ago. And that originally before that came from the high mountains of the Himalayas. They brought a wisdom teaching with them that is ancient, that is 100,000 years old. And not only did they prophecy the time to come, but they cautioned us and told us how to prepare for that time to come, how we needed to temper our bodies, to prepare ourselves emotionally, how we needed to temper our souls, and how we needed to discover a new mythology, a new sacred map that would lead us to our destiny, to our destiny as a planet, to our destiny as a people. There is a book that came out recently, I think it's in Greek actually, about 2012 being the year of Jesus' return. Because I haven't read it because it's not out in English and I don't speak Greek. But a friend of mine was doing a talk recently, he's actually a crop circle researcher, and he briefly mentioned 2012 because of the connection to crop circles. And a woman came up to him afterwards, I think she said she was a nun, and told him that 2012 is of course the year that Jesus is going to return. We've known this for ages. In Christian terms, the time that we're moving toward by Christian scholars has been interpreted as a time when humankind has the opportunity to make a choice. Depending on how that choice is made, either life affirming or life denying choices, some people will experience what has been termed in Christian theology the rapture, or in esoteric traditions the ascension. Very closely related terms. The bottom line of what they're suggesting is that as the earth goes through an energetic change, our bodies will either follow suit and match that change or resist that change. If we resist the change, it makes life very difficult for us to survive here in this world. If we accept and receive and embrace that change, then we are matched energetically to what's happening with the earth. And the way we live our lives up until that moment of time is what prepares us to make those choices. And so this is also the basis of why Fulcanelli is telling us about the cross of Hende and why the alchemists built the cross of Hende, was to send a message down through time to us about what we're about to go through. The Christians call it the day of judgment. The Kabbalists call it the ticoon. The Incans say that it's the emergence of homo luminis. And the Mayans mark it with the end of their calendar. And so all across the world we find all of these traditions marking this time period in their own way, with their own culture, with their own symbols, with their own language. And as we decipher those symbols, as we decipher those monuments, and we learn to speak in the language of our ancients, we can understand what it is that they were trying to say. And the most important thing that they were trying to say was that time was coming to an end. The world body of prophecy, from the Great Pyramid itself to the Bible to the Babylonians to the Aztecs and the Maya and the Hopi, there's really only one prophecy. Each of those cultures spoke about the events and the components of future shock, perhaps, in their own way, in their own kind of style. But when you translate it all down and boil it to its essence, they're all saying the same thing. There's only one prophecy. The prophecies of the Inca are one of several prophecies in the Americas. And they're very clear about our living in a time of great transition, of great upheaval. They speak about the next six years between now and 2012 as a time of the renewing of the earth. But also as a time of the harvesting of souls, of those individuals that don't quantum leap into who we are becoming as a species, that will have a very challenging and difficult time. The next morning, I headed up to Zion National Park in Utah. For thousands of years, this place was one of the most sacred and cherished lands of local Native Americans. Its beauty is beyond description. I decided to pull over and meditate on what I had learned so far about 2012. I thought about the myths of the Garden of Eden. These legends tell us that once men and women lived in a beautiful garden where everything was perfect. There was no pain, no death. The world was in balance and harmony. That sounded like a golden age to me. If that's the future, it doesn't sound so bad. Perhaps the Garden of Eden is also an alchemical garden, where the lead is separated from gold, where the future is separated from the past, and one single event can change everything in a moment. One single event can begin the final process. September 11, 2001, was an event that was the preface. It was like the trumpet call to inaugurate the final sequence, the final phase of this world age. This is the beginning of a period of time building up to the consummation of the age and the restitution of all things. 2012, according to the Maya calendrics of their long count, the Tzolkin, this is a date that is closing upon us as we watch this. It could be wonderful and it could be terrible, and it's likely to be everything all at the same time. Because at the ending of cycles, the good and the bad, and everything comes together in such a way as a period of great sorting out. So it's a very initiatory, global period of time when it will bring out the best in us, the worst in us, and how do we predict what's going to happen between now and then. We don't live in a democracy any longer, we live in a mediocracy. And our media is creating and perpetuating a cultural trance that we've all subscribed to. The task today for the person who wants to live awake, to be fully awake, is to break free of that cultural trance that is perpetuated by consumerism, by mechanization, by technology. We have forgotten how to write poems with pens. We have forgotten how to live an epic life. We think that getting a faster computer is going to produce a better piece of work. So technology is trying to provide those solutions that spirit provided very directly to those who came before us. If you start out with the premise of the Mayan calendar, and that it's coming to an end on December 21st, 2012, and then you go across the Atlantic and you find another monument in a completely different system, in a completely different culture, that is predicting the same exact event at the same exact time, using the galactic alignment as its centerpiece, then we have to say that we have circumstantial evidence pointing towards a reality which I don't think we can deny anymore. And this is truly our destiny as human beings. You know, the currency of the planet, the global currency, is four things. It's earth, air, fire, and water. And we have used all of the available earth. We have used all of the available topsoil. We've washed it out into the sea. We have used all the available air. We have polluted the air and made holes in the ozone. We have contaminated all of the available water. And we have turned up the heat in the planet. So we have been living off the planetary credit card, and we're deep in debt. This is a buy-now-pay-later philosophy that has led us to today. As we get nearer to 2012, I think we're going to find that we are all going to have to come to grips with our own mortality, not just on an individual level, but on a planetary scale, that the human species may be very close to extinction at this point. And we live in a planet that can sustainably support one billion people riding bicycles to work. And we have 7.5 billion people who have managed to support themselves by harvesting all of the readily available topsoil, by cutting down all of the readily available all-growth forests. We're coming to the very outer limits of sustainability in the planet. The knowledge that we may be going extinct because of our own actions will cause us to mature, will initiate us into a more adult view of the world, that we're not immortal, that we are mortal, and that we have to leave a world for our children. And so we can't cut down all the forests, we can't strip mine all of the land, we can't fish the oceans out until there are no more fish. We have to leave something behind for our children, and that's maturity, that's enlightenment. And that's what I mean by extinction or enlightenment. The danger here is not a crisis from global warming alone, it's not a melting of the polar ice caps alone, it's three or four of these cascading off of each other. It's a phenomenon of cascading crises, that one triggers, another triggers another. A melting of the ice caps triggers a slowdown of the Gulf Stream, triggers a rise in the sea levels, triggers an increase in accelerated warming of the Earth. And today in Europe, the biggest advocates for legislation to prevent global warming are insurance companies, because they recognize the tremendous liability exposure that they have, the tremendous cost of any one of these cataclysms happening, let alone two. All over the planet, throughout all of the different peoples and cultures, we find that in the end we are all the same. We all breathe the same air and share the same Earth. Maybe we also share a collective memory of our future that is just emerging now. Could it be that as 2012 races at us, we finally have the chance to reshape our future? Those people that expect an apocalyptic moment to occur on December 21st, 2012, are going to be very disappointed. It's going to be an absolute non-event. Nothing is going to happen, because it is happening now. It is happening today. As you watch this, it is happening inside of you, inside each and every one of us. That alchemical process of breaking down and shedding that which has died within us, and of birthing that which is bringing us into our collective destiny, it's happening this very instant. Universally, the people of every continent, either through translators or directly, are asking me two questions. First of all, they are saying, "What in the world is going on on the planet? Something obviously has changed." Number one. Number two, they are saying, "What can we do about it? What is it that we can do?" And we are all essentially looking for the same thing, with the exception of a handful of leaders. The people of this world, I think, are truly ready for something more than the suffering of the last century, and the war and the bloodshed. Everyone is looking for a better future for their families, the hope of a better tomorrow, a way to care for themselves, and just the basic necessities of life. I think they are truly ready for that. So I think what we are seeing is this bleed-through, this overlap of time, where the physical parameters are changing. We are changing in response to those parameters, although we may not all be aware of it. And we happen to be living the days when there is the juxtaposition of an old way and a new way are coinciding, and we are seeing them come together and work themselves out the way we are. In some respects, it is a very beautiful unfolding, and in other respects, it can be a very painful process that we are seeing. The dream state and the waking state are very similar. What we call the waking state is just when we go through the world as it is, with the airports and ATM machines and stores and money and everything like that. That is all collectively agreed upon dream. We have all agreed to do it this way. People who are crazy are the ones who see through that, and see through it so much that they can't cope with it. So then they are called crazy. I think of the initiation of 2012 as really an initiation for the Western world, really. People that are still steeped in Western philosophy and Western thinking and Western science, and an initiation into understanding that everything comes from the same place. We are all made up of the same energy, and that in our own individual experiences as well, that we can approach life with an intellectual and spiritual certainty based upon direct experience. We go back in the ancient texts, it appears that for at least 5000 years, the wisdom traditions of those who have come before us have prepared us, or left instructions to help us during this period in time. Almost universally, those who have come before us knew of this convergence of cycles. In the language of their day, what they said was, if you can do this in your life, that you will change your body, and by changing your body you will be able to accommodate the changes of the earth. Because ultimately our bodies are made of the same stuff of the earth. Whatever happens to the earth happens to our bodies. The magnetics that affect the elements of the earth affect the elements of our bodies in the same way. When we are under severe crisis, what are we? We are falling apart, we are going to pieces. This is the shamanic dismemberment. It can be a personal initiatory experience that a shaman goes through, it can be a personal event in one's life that takes one to the nubs, or it can be a universal distress where the world is in turmoil and there is no place to stand. That is the nature of a universal distress. There are no resources, there is no place to stand. And in that charged moment is when the transcendent takes over. There is always something other that brings things into resolution and harmony. I think as we approach the end of the Mayan calendar, as we approach the end of time according to the cross of Hende, we are going to have a conscious shift, because history is an initiation. It is like saying ultimate chaos resolves into synchronicity. We are learning this from the Mandelbrot set and quantum physics now. We have all the learning and all the tools that enable us to make the points of contact, at least for modeling how to shoot the rapids. We are now in the white water of history, and each one of us will have this experience. It is a sublime initiation. Many of us have wanted a lifetime when we could experience the best and the worst of what the age has to offer. This is it. We have transcended many of the darkest prophecies already, and I think it is important for people to understand that, whether we are talking about the Bible code and the way that it predicts quantum possibilities only, or remote viewing and those quantum possibilities, many of the darkest predictions we have transcended. It is not that we survived them. We rewrote the code of consciousness and took a different path so that they never had to unfold. From that perspective and for those reasons, I believe that 2012 is working in the same way. There are certainly dark possibilities that could unfold. Is that possible? Yes. Do they have to happen? I believe that they do not. I believe that we are making that determination right now by having conversations like this and by living our lives consciously with intent, being kind to one another at the grocery store checkout stand or the person that takes your order at the nearest restaurant you go to tonight or the driver on the freeway that got in the wrong lane and that you helped let in in front of you. Those little acts as individuals contribute collectively to our answer to this time in history. From that perspective, I think we all play a vital role in where we are going with 2012 and anything beyond that. They always say that finding the face that was before you were born or however they want to phrase it in some of the traditions, that is what it is. Dissolving all of the attachments and identifications that you were told you needed to have in order to be a successful whatever in this reality, well, you have to dissolve them all. They are not helping you. It is clear that the people of the past, our ancient ancestors, looked at the world from a far different perspective than we do today. They seem to be much more in touch with nature, the cosmos and the people around them. It is like the difference between the city and the forest. In the forest, the quiet helps us remember not only who we are, but what we really know. Our powers and our potentials appear to be atrophying in the modern world. We are losing our ability to think a new world into existence. Maybe we need to be more like the shamans, more like the alchemists. Is the cause of many of our problems, from war to pollution to violence, the fact that we are so distracted by the outer world that we are not listening to our inner voices anymore? Have the noise and intrusions of the modern world become so loud that they are drowning out the truth of who we are? In the cosmology of the Americas, there are three worlds. There is our world, which is the middle world, the world that we live in. There is the lower world, which is inside the earth, which we could compare to these unconscious domains of the psyche, of the mind. And then there is the upper world, which is the superconscious, the domains of our possibility. These worlds are also associated with time, so that the lower world is the time past. When we put our ancestors into the earth, it is the time and the place of the ancestors. The middle world is time present, and the upper world is the time to come. And it seems that we are approaching a point where a mass kundalini experience is going to be triggered, and Shakti will rise up the spine to meet Shiva coming down from above. So you have something that they call the spiritual wedding, where you have the annihilation of the ego, the Samadhi experience, the ecstasy, in fact, which means standing outside of the body, and the end of duality, the end of the ego. Everything seems to tie together on this sort of interpretation. And it even brings in the Peruvian prophecy where you have the three cosmoses, the shamanic cosmoses, where you have the overworld, the underworld and the everyday world. And they say that what is going to happen in Therapeutica, the golden age where we meet ourselves again after 2012, is that the overworld and the underworld converge on the everyday world. Now that is a little bit like Shiva coming down and Shakti coming up to meet it. Alchemists and ancient Europeans believed that there were three worlds. There was the upper earth, there was the middle earth and there was the lower earth, very similar to Tolkien's cosmology in Lord of the Rings. And what the cathedrals were doing was the steeples were drawing down the energy of the upper world, of the upper earth. And the well underneath the cathedral was drawing up the energy from the lower worlds or the lower earth. And there was an alchemical marriage of the lower worlds and the upper worlds. And this took place on the floor of the cathedrals. And in the Maori version, the creation myth of the Maori, you have Rangi and Papa, the earth god and the sky god, crashing down together, which they call the curtain will fall. But on further research, it was found out the original translation of that was the veil will dissolve. So the dissolving of the veil and the coming down of heaven and earth meeting each other is all brought together in this concept of Kundalini rising. So if you lived in a fishing village, you had to take the fishermen to where the catch was going to be tomorrow. So the shaman was able to journey into the upper world. To journey into the upper world, to discover where the bison or the fish were going to be the following day, or journey far enough to discover who they were becoming as a people 10,000 years from now, and download that information and bring it back to their village and embody this. And in this way, they would participate consciously in evolution. They would throw a grappling hook into the future and bring that information of our evolution as a species back into the present and allow that to inform the members of a village. Now, what I think this is about in terms of the galactic alignment in 2012 is that when we come into alignment with the galactic center, it's like we've balanced the positive and the negative forces. And when that happens, it stimulates the upward movement of the Kundalini energy. This is the divine Shakti. It's the energy of the goddess that flows through us to transform our consciousness. The upper world and the lower world embracing in the middle world, the union of male and female energies, Shiva and Shakti, the sacred marriage. Now, wouldn't that be nice? Men and women truly loving and respecting each other. Now, that's an idea that could change the world. As I continued to contemplate the message of 2012, I wondered if there had been any other great thinkers that had considered the dilemma of our modern world. Were there any other philosophers or spiritual leaders that could answer my many questions? It was then that I discovered the words of a simple Catholic priest who lived in France in the early 20th century. He was known by the name of Teilhard de Chardin. Father de Chardin had thought deeply about what was going on and where we were headed. The Christian mystic Teilhard de Chardin, he had written a while ago that whenever there's a universal distress, a universal distress can be anything. It's a matter of scale. It can be a world war. It can be a personal tragedy, you know, within clans or cultures or countries. But a universal distress of the magnitude that we are on the brink of can only be imagined. We don't want to elucidate what that might be. But when that happens, archetypes of wholeness, he says, are released from the collective deep mind in order to reconstellate the fragments of what is going on into wholeness. De Chardin was a paleontologist and Jesuit priest. And he tried to do what seems impossible and combine archaeology with Catholicism and somehow theorized something called the theory of complexity consciousness, where as the brain gets bigger, more complex, we move towards a point where mankind suddenly links up telepathically. The nature of the life systems on Earth as they were dominated by the human civilization as it was now entering its global phase, that was creating a process of acceleration of the systems of the biosphere to such a degree that before too long it could be foreseen that the biosphere itself would be having to shift its nature and that we would be going into a state in which the human dominance of the biosphere and the alteration caused by the human dominance of the biosphere would cause this, what I was speaking of, having to go into some kind of phase shift. And then what would that new phase be? And it was determined that the new phase would be the noosphere, that the Earth would then acquire its conscious mind, let's say. The conscious mind of the Earth is a function of the human species going into a radically altered state of non-egoic consciousness where the processes, what we call the paranormal or parapsychological processes, become normalized and the unification of the mind of the Earth is actually the telepathic unification of the human mind because the humans are now spread out over the Earth, that the telepathic unification is actually what creates the noosphere. And telepathic unification can't really come about except through the cultivation of these non-egoic states. So by this complexity consciousness theory we're approaching a critical level at which the components lose their individuality or ego and become working parts of a larger being. So that would, on a personal level, that would mean a telepathic link up between people. Fr Desjardins predicted that the human race would suddenly change. He said that there was an invisible mental sphere of pure consciousness that would encircle and envelop the Earth at the end of time and that this would make us all telepathic. When that event occurred, once everyone's thoughts were known by everyone else, we would no longer live in a world of lies and deceptions. Maybe the job of the shamans, the priests and the alchemists was to help us get ready for this telepathic event that would occur at the end of time. I've been very interested in how the galactic gnosis, we might say, was present at a very early date in the Earth's history, going back to ancient Egypt, going back to ancient Vedic teachings, and how the core galactic gnosis transformed and spread throughout Europe. And it seems to have been the province of secret societies to preserve this knowledge, even while the world was going through a diminishment of consciousness. What the alchemists were in Europe was they were the ones who understood the nature of the plants that grew in Europe. They understood the power of minerals. They understood the power of spiritual transmutation. And so the study of alchemy is the study of shamanism. It's a peculiar European form of shamanism, but nevertheless it is a shamanic tradition. The secret societies were engaged in preserving the ancient galactic gnosis. We see this filtering out through teachings in Europe like alchemy and even tarot symbolism, and also in the Middle Ages how Christian iconography preserved certain symbols of a traditional universal nature, and they encoded these symbols into like Chartres Cathedral, for example, and other cathedrals in medieval France. So we can see that once the Masons were incredibly knowledgeable about the universe. As I made my way across the continent of the United States and met the people that live in this land, I began to think about those who had started America, our founding fathers. Who were these men, and what drove them to rebel against the largest power on Earth at the time? What was the reason that they felt the need to create an independent country, free from England? My cross-country journey into the subject of the year 2012 took me to Washington, D.C. As I walked the streets and visited the many sites of the Capitol, I realized that many of America's founding fathers were Masons. Benjamin Franklin and George Washington were both Freemasons. I visited the Capitol building and many other sites. I ended my trip to Washington by going to the George Washington Masonic Museum in nearby Alexandria, Virginia. There he was, our first president, wearing his Masonic apron. There was the symbol of the compass and the square, just like the strange A's on the monument of the Cross of Henday. I wondered what this was all about. Driving south from Washington, I made my way to the warmer weather of the deep south. A rain began to fall as I entered the small town of Elberton, Georgia. It was there that I discovered a monument called the Georgia Guidestones. This was America's Stonehenge, and like Stonehenge and other monuments, they are astronomically oriented. Built out on a small, flat area in the nearby Appalachian Mountains of Georgia, stand these huge slabs of granite. On the surface of the stones are etched what look like some kind of New Ten Commandments in eight different languages. [thunder] English, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili. Gary Jones is the editor of the local newspaper, the Elberton Star. I asked him about the Georgia Guidestones. I wanted to know what the Guidestones were and who built them. Around 1980, a gentleman came to town, supposedly, and went to a local banker and asked the local banker to help him locate a granite company that would enable him to erect a monument for the future. His name was R.C. Christian. It was a moniker that he gave himself to deal with the local people, and he didn't want anybody to know who he was. The local banker that he talked to was a fellow by the name of Wyatt Martin. With professional help, they were able to find some granite companies that were able to build the Guidestones on a scale that this guy envisioned. In all the talks about where the Guidestones came from, it was R.C. Christian. So, yeah, I don't know where the name came from or anything. When you see these Guidestones, you'll understand that we're talking about something much larger than your average monument. The idea was to help Mr. Christian find someone who could operate on that grand scale. It's eerily similar to Stonehenge. It's built so that at certain times of the year, the sun comes through and the shadows that it casts. It's really a neat thing. I think that what they've got inscribed on those stones are something that someone thought out and thought out thoroughly. The different languages. There's a lot of great work that went into putting those stones up. Not just the engineering end of things, but the thought that went into putting what's on those Guidestones. As far as the strange stories go, occasionally I'll get a phone call from somebody who will ask me, "Are you in the community where the Guidestones are?" They'll have these strange theories about who Mr. Christian is and what the Guidestones are. When they were first erected, I think they had some cult groups come in and spend the night out there. When you see the inscriptions, there are guides to the future. There are things on there like maintaining a population of whatever. Some people think that it might encourage elimination of overpopulated areas. It's a message to a future generation. Just the way Stonehenge is, just the way the pyramids are in Egypt. The Guidestones are going to be here for a long, long time. The Cherokee Indians called this part of the world the center of the universe. There are Masons here who may have had some influence on the Guidestones. Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Price truth, beauty, love, seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth. Leave room for nature. Leave room for nature. Along the capstone of the Georgia Guidestones, sitting on top of the monument, is a message written in four ancient languages. Babylonian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Sanskrit, and classical Greek. The message says, "Let these be Guidestones to an age of reason." Like a message sent forward into the future, the Georgia Guidestones seem to be telling us how to live in a new way. I couldn't shake the strange story of the Georgia Guidestones. I was haunted by them and their message. I wondered about the mysterious gentleman, R.C. Christian, who had paid to have them built. Why had he stayed anonymous? Was R.C. Christian an alchemist or a mason? Maybe there is an order of spiritual people who still walk among us. You know, some kind of shamans or alchemists. They might look like you or me, but they are actually more aware than us. They know the future and they have secret powers of the mind that we have lost. Heading back across the United States, I stopped at the Denver Airport to meet a friend. With an hour to spare, I wandered through the airport. In several places, I discovered large murals that had been painted. These murals are spectacular, and I was impressed by their artistry and their poignant messages. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] On the south side of the airport, I discovered a plaque commemorating the men who had built the airport. [Music] On my way from Denver, it was my good fortune to meet three elders of the Inca people. They had traveled all the way from the mountains of Peru to tell the world about the legend of Pachacuti. This was their prophecy about the end of time, which they said would occur around 2012. [Music] Their names are Don Francisco, Don Humberto, Doña Berna, and their friend Chino. Their words were translated into English by Marcella Griffith. They have come to give us this message, and they live at 18,000 feet in the Andes Mountains. They are the descendants of the Incas, the children of the sun. Since those times, since the Incas, the coca leaves have been a sacred leaf that give us the messages of nature. So they have been using these leaves since the times of the Incas as the messengers from the mother, from the earth, from nature. [Speaking in Inca language] Don Humberto says that in this life, we need to share and live in community with no jealousy, no competition, but united and sharing. And not only sharing between us, in between the people, but sharing with the earth, sharing with the mountains. [Speaking in Inca language] Doña Bernardina agrees that we have to live in community and like a family, living in a house and sharing and live like a family. [Speaking in Inca language] They are going to do a reading with the coca leaves. It's their custom to track destiny, to look into the future with coca leaves. They throw the coca leaves, and the coca leaves will say what they're asking. And it calls on the spirits of the mountains and the Pachamama, the earth, to tell us what she wants us to know. The prophecies talk about the Pachacuti. Pacha means earth, and cuti, the turn over, the renew, the renewal of life. So the new cycle of life that is coming to us. And according to the prophecies, this is happening in the next, it's already happening, but it has its completion as the new time to come in the next six years. The prophecies talk about 2012, year 2012, and December 21st as the date of when the time, it's turn over to the new race, to the new, to the fifth sun, to the new vibration of the light. This is a time of tremendous crisis in the world, but as any crisis brings us the opportunities, opportunities to reinvent who we are, to reinvent how we want the world, what world do we want to create for our children and our children's children. The Incas are the keepers of a body of wisdom that brings us the prophecies, but also the processes. And the processes has to do with the transmissions of the energy that is going to help us align with the new Inca, with the new homo luminos. These transmissions, the processes are transmissions that help us align with who we are becoming, with the new race that is not just the homo sapiens, but the homo luminos. And they bring us the gifts of these transmissions of energy that aligns us to that new human that is a homo luminos. After our conversation, Doña Berna blessed me. The feeling that came over me from this experience stayed with me for days. What a joy to meet such people, so grounded to the earth, so peaceful, wise and knowing. The Incan elders know that what is really important in this world is us, our relationship to the earth and each other. Maybe the reason that we modern people surround ourselves with so many possessions is because we are not connected to each other anymore. We have begun to believe that it's our possessions that are important, so we have sacrificed our connection to each other. On my way home, I remember every new day. On my way home, I remember every new day. We are so afraid of losing all of our possessions that we try to protect them with walls, armies and police. We no longer have time for the important things. Maybe that's why time seems to be speeding up to us. We don't have time for loving each other anymore. We don't have time for the stillness anymore. Maybe what the Incan, the Mayan, the alchemists, the shamans, the yogis and priests are really doing is teaching us how to live. They have a message that we would be crazy to ignore. On my way home, I remember all the good days. On my way home, I remember all the bad days. On my way home, I can remember every new day. I can remember every new day. I can remember every new day. On my way home, I can remember all the good days. On my way home, I can remember all the good days. I thought about the apocalypse, which is the Christian version of the end of time. I realized that every person has her or his own independent apocalypse. One day, each and every one of us will face our own end of time. Might this be what the ancients were also telling us about? They were not only describing the end of the world, but also our own personal ending. I think there's going to be more outbreaks of telepathy for one thing. There will probably be an increase in earth changes, when it's already happening. But I've seen around me an increase in telepathy in my friends and family. We'll be in a new reality. We'll be in a process where we're experiencing like the beginning to experience the noosphere, the telepathic mind of the earth. And then there's a cycle of gearing up to the next stabilization. It's going to be a very dynamic period between approximately winter solstice of 2012 and July 26th of 2013. At that point, then we'll get to the new galactic synchronization. So yes, I think that consciousness focused on 2012 has a kind of sociological effect. And the more consciousness that we can pour into it, the more we're going to get out of it in terms of a transformation. So what is happening in 2012? Interesting. It could be a non-event. It could be the finale of something epical. That is the mystery that is unraveling right now. Our task today is to journey along our timelines into the future, to who we are becoming, and invite the future to reach back like a giant hand and pull us forward. But the most desirable future, which is not necessarily the most probable future. The most probable future is going to be one of increasing holes in the ozone, greater pollution, greater population. We need to look at the highest possible future, not the most probable future. But the possible future, no matter how improbable it is. So there are a group of Inca elders, of Mayan elders, of Hopi elders, that sit in meditation, tracking along the timeline of the planet, to find the highest possible future for their children's children. The kind of world that we want our children to inherit. Not the probable world, but the possible world. So our prayer for 2012, I would invite our viewers to live life fully, consciously, with intent, in kindness to one another, and ask themselves how they can be of greatest service every day of their lives. And they wake up in the morning, what can they do to make this a better world? And wherever they go, how can they leave that place a better place than it was when they walked in? And by virtue of doing that, whether it's through individuals or places or people, we become better people. By living following that code of conduct, and by virtue of that we create a better world. And in that way, I believe we all share the collective prayer that says, 2012 is the doorway of opportunity. Bring it on and embrace it. [Music] Back home in the safety of the deep woods of the Pacific Northwest, I wondered about the next few years as we approach 2012. Who will we be then? Where will we be going? Will we realize that the future is ours to make in any way that we desire? And if this is so, what future will we choose? [Music] 50,000, 100,000, a million years ago, anyway, recently, the crossover into the domain of culture, tool making, myth making, dance, poetry, song, story, and that set the stage for the fall into history. The incredibly unusual and self-consuming process that has been going on for the past 15 or 20,000 years, that this is actually happening to the space-time matrix, that time is in fact speeding up. A state of incredible destabilization. It's a, it's a, it's a chaostrophy in the process of happening. It begins with animals kept in balance by natural selection, and it ends with a global internet of electronic information transfer and a language-using species hurling its instruments toward the stars. There has been more change since 1960 than in the previous several thousand years. There has been more change since 1992 than in the previous thousand years. Change is accelerating. Invention, connection, adoration of ideas, mathematical algorithms, connectivity of people, social systems, this is all accelerating furiously. This is what makes history so interesting. It's a runaway freight train on a dark and stormy night. History then is ending. History is a kind of gestation process. It's a kind of metamorphosis. It's an episode in the life of a species. It's a period of high risk. It's like what a butterfly is doing in a cocoon, or what is happening to a child in the womb. It's a gestation process where one form of life is being changed into another. It's a journey into the presence of the Gaian mind that the Earth is a coherent whole. It is a thinking, feeling, intending being. What we must do, I think, is see our future in the imagination, catalyze the imagination, form symbiotic relationships with the plants, affirm archaic values, and spread the good news that what is out of control, what is in fact dying, is a world that has become too top-heavy with its own hubris, too bent by its own false value systems, and too dehumanized to care about what happened to its own children. [Music] {END} Wait Time : 0.00 sec Model Load: 0.66 sec Decoding : 7.58 sec Transcribe: 6477.74 sec Total Time: 6485.98 sec